Pest and Termite Control Blog | Black Knight Pest Control

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Black Knight Termite and Pest Control owners have been residing in and serving the Temecula and Murrieta area for over 20 years.  Their goal is to provide customers with the best quality service through their expertise and professionalism.  They are committed to providing on-time service, competitive rates and thorough inspection

Pest & Termite Control Blog

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Filtering by Category: Pest Control

Flea Control

Megan Pinneo


Fleas are a major burden to home owners and their animals. They can be difficult to get rid of once they have found their way inside your home. Fleas are problematic to their host, causing itching and inflammation that can last for weeks from them biting the skin. The bites of fleas are typically found in what look like clusters or lines on the skin of humans, mammals and birds. Hair loss often takes place on animals that are suffering from flea bites because of the constant scratching.

Cluster of Flea bites

Cluster of Flea bites




Fleas are wingless, dark colored and have long legs with the hind pair well adapted for jumping. Horizontally they can jump 13 inches and vertically their jump can reach 7 inches. The body of a flea is tough and able to withstand extreme pressure making it difficult for them to be eliminated by scratching or mashing. A humans fingers do not stand a chance in killing these pests.

What you can do.

  • Vacuum entire home and empty and or dispose of bag.
  • Wash pets bedding.
  • Bathe animals and give them flea treatment if possible.
  • Apply baking soda on carpet and floor this dehydrates the fleas.

The most effective way to make sure that you have cleared your house fleas is to call a Professional, they can apply the proper treatment and make sure that the fleas do not return and if they do they can help you address the situation. Fleas are hard to get rid of but are easy to prevent if you take the necessary steps in keeping yourself, home and animals clean and monitoring them often.

Call for a free Flea Quote at Black Knight Pest Control today.


Carpet Beetles

Megan Pinneo

Scientific Name: Athrenus Verbasci

Carpet Beetles seem to be a high concern for many of Black Knight Termite and Pest Control customers. In the office we have been receiving call after call wondering what exactly these pests are and what they are doing in the homes of many. In doing some research of my own I wanted to help answer some of those questions you may have been wondering yourself, and hopefully ease some of the stress they may have been causing you. So take a breath, relax and read on.

First let's make it clear that Carpet Beetles are not rare, they are actually a very common household pest.

Do they bite?

        Rest assured that Carpet Beetles DO NOT bite, they are actually harmless. Many confuse them with bed bugs because the hair that is shed from the larvae cause itchy welts on human skin, however these welts are not to be confused with bites.

How big do they get?

Only 3mm long.

Do Carpet Beetles cause damage?

Yes, Carpet Beetles as larvae feed on natural fibers causing damage to carpet, furniture and clothing. If they are allowed the opportunity to feed for an extended amount of time you can image the damage they can cause in and around your home.

What can I do to help keep them away?

Vacuuming your home regularly is a great and simple way to help keep Carpet Beetles away. Also, check closets, air ducts, under furniture and base boards for eggs, as this is where they are mostly found. Sometimes Carpet Beetles will need to be exterminated by a Pest Control Professional, for a FREE QUOTE call Black Knight Pest Control @ 951-694-8100 and let us do the work.





Residential and Commercial

Megan Pinneo

Pests cannot only take over your home but they can over run your Business as well and its safe to say no one wants that... Or I sure hope not...

Wither you own a small Restaurant or a large Winery, Black Knight Pest Control can tend to all your Pest Control needs. In Ownership of a business you must cover all your grounds, from customer satisfaction, to health and safety, with plenty of things on your plate to concern yourself with why not receive some assistance with the Pest Control end of it all?

Just as Black Knight offers different options in Residential Service we also offer many different options in Commercial Control, because not everyone has the same needs, basic or complex we have you covered. To decide what is right for you and your business schedule a Pest Control Quote with one of our Experts.

I took the morning to follow one of our experienced Service Technicians Roy on the job while he serviced two of our Commercial Winery Customers, Wilson Creek and Monte De Oro. These breath taking wineries located in Temecula Wine Country know the importance of Pest Control.

Monte De Oro

Monte De Oro

Grab a glass and take in the view of Temecula Wine Country at Monte De Oro.

Grab a glass and take in the view of Temecula Wine Country at Monte De Oro.

Wilson Creek Barrel Room
Barrel room at Wilson Creek

Barrel room at Wilson Creek

Following Roy around these two Wineries I had the opportunity to see what goes on in Pest Control at a Commercial location, from the routine spray of the grounds to changing the fly paper.

Black Knight will install and keep up on the Vector System.

Black Knight will install and keep up on the Vector System.

Black Knight carries Organic Treatment options.

Black Knight carries Organic Treatment options.

I will be following Roy again soon on some more of his commercial locations as well as the Termite Inspectors to give an inside look as to what goes on. If you have any questions regarding Commercial Pest Control Service give Black Knight a call and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Rodents: Everything You Never Wanted to (but need to) Know

Megan Pinneo

When it comes to rodent control, Murrieta homeowners often prefer to think this issue won’t affect them – until it does. Rats, mice and other common vermin have been the cause of anxiety and fear for centuries. Their reputation as disease carriers during the Great Plague and other epidemics certainly didn’t help ease such worries. From Cotton Rats, Norway Rats and Deer Mice to common house mice and roof rats, rodents can be serious hazards to the home. To make matters worse, they are seriously hard to control once they’ve made it in. So whether you’re interested in avoiding rodent infestations in the first place or already have a few uninvited house guests you need to get rid of, here are some basic facts you need to know.

The Common Culprits

Mice. From the city to the country, mice get into homes and apartments through a variety of strategic and often unnoticed entrances in search of warmth, food and water. While they might look harmless, each mouse you spot could potentially infect a great deal more food than it actually consumes. If you’ve spotted mouse droppings in your cupboards, you need to take action immediately. After washing out the cupboard and your hands, of course. 

Rats. While mice can be fairly easy to catch with common baits and traps, rats tend to be a bit more suspicious of such new additions. They tend to infest homes in packs for protection and community, and are more commonly found in harder-to-reach places like up in the attic, within the walls, and underneath the porch. In addition to contaminating food, rats are also likely to carry and spread diseases. They often bring other unwanted friends such as fleas and ticks into their unknowing host’s abodes as well. 

What to Expect After Spotting a Rodent

Whatever kind of rodents you happen to find in your home, you can expect that they will breed rapidly. Some rodents breed during certain times of the year, while others breed all year long to keep their population booming. Once they are in your home they will leave feces and urine that will contaminate surfaces. If you have spotted rats or mice you should make sure not to touch them or let children near them, as they may be carrying bacteria and they have sharp teeth. After sealing up any small spaces where these slippery little suckers might enter or re-enter, the first thing you should do is call a professional service provider specializing in pest control. Murrieta residents can call the team at Black Knight Termite & Pest Control for fast and reliable service whether they’ve spotted rodents or any other pests.

The best way to prevent further infestations is to keep food and water sources out of reach. This means keeping all food in tightly sealed containers, cleaning up crumbs and other food waste right away, and staying on top of garbage duty. Neighbors are also encouraged to band together in their efforts, as rodents often move from house to house. But first make sure to call our experts in pest and termite control. Murrieta residents are always better off when they have a professional on their side when rodents have gotten in their homes.