Pest Contol Temecula — Pest and Termite Control Blog | Black Knight Pest Control

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Black Knight Termite and Pest Control owners have been residing in and serving the Temecula and Murrieta area for over 20 years.  Their goal is to provide customers with the best quality service through their expertise and professionalism.  They are committed to providing on-time service, competitive rates and thorough inspection

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Filtering by Tag: Pest Contol Temecula

Here comes the rain

Megan Pinneo

Bringing in the rain.. And the bugs

Ant in the rain

The rain is finally here and with the rain comes the bugs. Ever wonder why after a day of rain you see more worms, slugs, snails, ants, and other pests, it's because they are seeking higher ground. With the rain filling the places where they dwell they evacuate and do not return until the rain has stopped and their dwellings have dried. This is also why you may be seeing them in or around your home more as well. Insects see your home as the perfect spot to hold out till the rain has stopped. Watch out when you open that garage door, you may not be just pulling your car in for the night.

There are some things that you can do to keep them away.

  • Trim back any plants or foliage that may be close to or touching your home.
  • Seal any cracks or openings leading into your home.
  • Clear out any heavy storage in your garage.
  • Call a Pest Control Professional.

Don't be left out in the rain, take a few extra steps to help keep the pests out. Always remember that if you need some help with these creepy crawlers call Black Knight Pest Control 951.694.8100 and we will battle the rain and the bugs so you don't have to.

Stay dry and pest free.

The Brown Widow

Megan Pinneo

Brown Widow Spider

We all know about the black widow spider but did you know that there is also a brown widow spiderBrown widow spiders can be found in Southern California  and actually out number the black widow spider. They are brown, tan and gray covered in a spotted pattern. Like the black widow spider they have a yellowish or bright orange hourglass marking on the underside of their abdomen. There are dark bands that wrap around their legs, with their front legs longer than the others. Black widows are usually a little larger than the brown widow, and the brown widow spider's bite is also less venomous. You can find brown widows hiding in and around our home in places such as; solid / plastic patio furniture, wood fences and plastic playground equipment. They are not limited to these areas so be sure to keep an eye out.

Think you have a brown widow spider problem? Send Black Knight Termite and Pest Control to help you out with the problem. 951.694.8100. A Pest Control Service may be just what you need. Some one to take care of them and the webs they leave behind, not to mention their eggs!


Megan Pinneo


Beware of Scorpions

During periods of hot weather scorpions are known to enter the home through any cracks or openings that there may be in and around the home. They tend to favor crawl spaces and attics once inside the home. Scorpions are nocturnal therefor can mostly be seen at night. Their diet mostly consists of insects such as crickets, cockroaches and spiders and can survive for months without food as long as they have a water source.

The Sting

As a defense mechanism scorpions are known to sting. If a human is stung by a scorpion they most likely would experience mild symptoms similar to a bee sting. There are some species of scorpions that carry a dangerous venom which can be fatal to humans.


If you are concerned about scorpions being a threat to your home you may want to take some precautions to help keep them away. Start by eliminating places around your home where these pests can harbor such as wood piles, trash and debris. If you are storing any firewood on the property make sure that is at least 20ft away from your home. Also, sealing any cracks in and around your home is a must, this will not only keep scorpions out but any other pests that may be wanting to enter your home as well. Be sure that all screens on windows and doors are secure and without and any tears. Last, check that the garage door closes to the ground and there is not an opening for them to crawl in.

Black Knight Pest Control



Bed Bug Awareness Week

Megan Pinneo

Bed Bug Awareness WeekJune 6th - 11th

Summer marks the peak of bed bugs as summer travel begins. National Pest Management has created this week to help spread awareness around the world of the growing problem many encounter with bed bugs.

Bed Bug

Bed Bug

  • Majority of infestations occur in residential setting such as; apartments, condos and single family homes.
  • A variety of places outside private residences are continuously being treated for bed bugs such as; nursing homes, offices, schools, dorm rooms and public transportation.
  • Clutter contributes to the growing problem.

Don't be a victim to these pesky bed bugs, call Black Knight Pest Control and as about our Thermal Heat option.



Carpet Beetles

Megan Pinneo

Scientific Name: Athrenus Verbasci

Carpet Beetles seem to be a high concern for many of Black Knight Termite and Pest Control customers. In the office we have been receiving call after call wondering what exactly these pests are and what they are doing in the homes of many. In doing some research of my own I wanted to help answer some of those questions you may have been wondering yourself, and hopefully ease some of the stress they may have been causing you. So take a breath, relax and read on.

First let's make it clear that Carpet Beetles are not rare, they are actually a very common household pest.

Do they bite?

        Rest assured that Carpet Beetles DO NOT bite, they are actually harmless. Many confuse them with bed bugs because the hair that is shed from the larvae cause itchy welts on human skin, however these welts are not to be confused with bites.

How big do they get?

Only 3mm long.

Do Carpet Beetles cause damage?

Yes, Carpet Beetles as larvae feed on natural fibers causing damage to carpet, furniture and clothing. If they are allowed the opportunity to feed for an extended amount of time you can image the damage they can cause in and around your home.

What can I do to help keep them away?

Vacuuming your home regularly is a great and simple way to help keep Carpet Beetles away. Also, check closets, air ducts, under furniture and base boards for eggs, as this is where they are mostly found. Sometimes Carpet Beetles will need to be exterminated by a Pest Control Professional, for a FREE QUOTE call Black Knight Pest Control @ 951-694-8100 and let us do the work.