Wine Country — Pest and Termite Control Blog | Black Knight Pest Control

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Black Knight Termite and Pest Control owners have been residing in and serving the Temecula and Murrieta area for over 20 years.  Their goal is to provide customers with the best quality service through their expertise and professionalism.  They are committed to providing on-time service, competitive rates and thorough inspection

Pest & Termite Control Blog

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Filtering by Tag: Wine Country

Mounds of Problems

Megan Pinneo


So, you have a gopher problem. 

Gophers are an ongoing pest problem that affect homeowners and business owners year round, meaning there is no such thing as 'gopher season'. While gophers are active throughout the year, you may find them to be most problematic during the Spring and Summer months when fresh plants are most commonly put in from gardening. Given their preference, gophers prefer fresh roots from new plants, but this doesn't stop them from eating anything else you've got growing in your yards. *sigh* 

The most common gophers we have in California are the pocket gophers. They typically spend a majority of their lifetime underground, so spotting one above ground is a rarity. Aside from the obvious reasons for controlling a gopher problem, such as curb appeal and overall aesthetic, you shouldn't overlook a gopher problem. If left to their own devices, gophers will destroy expensive landscaping and threaten homeowner safety by potentially burrowing under the foundation, and in some cases, cause the home to collapse. To prevent this from happening, there are several methods used to treat a gopher problem. Some of these methods are bating, trapping, using a Gopher X machine or fumitoxin, which is a inorganic chemical compound. Gophers are very territorial in nature, so naturally this makes them very stubborn to get rid of!

Treating gophers is easy if you have a gopher specialist who is there to help. Often times, DIY gopher control is costly, frustrating and ineffective. Needless to say, we definitely do not recommend taking on your gopher problem on your own. Unfortunately, if you've had a gopher problem in the past or have neighbors that are currently experiencing a gopher problem, the likelihood of having an ongoing gopher problem, yourself, is very great. In light of this, we recommend getting on a gopher control service. 

Give Black Knight a call (951-694-8100) to get in touch with our gopher specialist who can recommend the best method to control your unique gopher problem! We promise you won't be disappointed!




Residential and Commercial

Megan Pinneo

Pests cannot only take over your home but they can over run your Business as well and its safe to say no one wants that... Or I sure hope not...

Wither you own a small Restaurant or a large Winery, Black Knight Pest Control can tend to all your Pest Control needs. In Ownership of a business you must cover all your grounds, from customer satisfaction, to health and safety, with plenty of things on your plate to concern yourself with why not receive some assistance with the Pest Control end of it all?

Just as Black Knight offers different options in Residential Service we also offer many different options in Commercial Control, because not everyone has the same needs, basic or complex we have you covered. To decide what is right for you and your business schedule a Pest Control Quote with one of our Experts.

I took the morning to follow one of our experienced Service Technicians Roy on the job while he serviced two of our Commercial Winery Customers, Wilson Creek and Monte De Oro. These breath taking wineries located in Temecula Wine Country know the importance of Pest Control.

Monte De Oro

Monte De Oro

Grab a glass and take in the view of Temecula Wine Country at Monte De Oro.

Grab a glass and take in the view of Temecula Wine Country at Monte De Oro.

Wilson Creek Barrel Room
Barrel room at Wilson Creek

Barrel room at Wilson Creek

Following Roy around these two Wineries I had the opportunity to see what goes on in Pest Control at a Commercial location, from the routine spray of the grounds to changing the fly paper.

Black Knight will install and keep up on the Vector System.

Black Knight will install and keep up on the Vector System.

Black Knight carries Organic Treatment options.

Black Knight carries Organic Treatment options.

I will be following Roy again soon on some more of his commercial locations as well as the Termite Inspectors to give an inside look as to what goes on. If you have any questions regarding Commercial Pest Control Service give Black Knight a call and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.