Murrieta Rodent Control — Pest and Termite Control Blog | Black Knight Pest Control

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+1 (951) 694-8100

Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee, Lake Elsinore, Hemet, Riverside, Fallbrook, Escondido, San Marcos, riverside county and san diego county



Black Knight Termite and Pest Control owners have been residing in and serving the Temecula and Murrieta area for over 20 years.  Their goal is to provide customers with the best quality service through their expertise and professionalism.  They are committed to providing on-time service, competitive rates and thorough inspection

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Celebrating 20 Years

Megan Pinneo

20 years sticker.png

     We are so proud to announce that Black Knight Termite & Pest Control, Inc. celebrated our very own 20th anniversary last month! We have come a long ways since we first started, particularly growing our small family owned business to a slightly bigger family owned business! 

     Black Knight originally started 20 years ago with only 2 trucks and 2 employees. Since then, we have been so blessed by our community making it possible to expand our family to having 15 trucks and 18 employees! *gasp* We have broadened our areas of expertise significantly as well. We now offer a wide variety of pest services in addition to termite and general pest control, such as gopher control, rodent control, bird control as well as thermal heat treatment!

     Earlier this year, we also acquired a new pest control route taking Black Knight to Redlands, Riverside and Menifee for accounts ranging from commercial to residential. We have seen our greatest improvement in the amount of active pest control routes that we are continuously adding to. Overall, in our 20 years of business, Black Knight has had the pleasure of serving the Riverside, San Diego as well as San Bernardino counties respectfully. 

     We are very proud of where we come from and are looking forward to thriving in the New Year. In light of our 20 year anniversary, all of our trucks are fashioning the new decal posted above. Thanks for all your love and support as we continue doing what we love. Wishing you all a prosperous year



Tree Wraps for Rodent Control

Megan Pinneo

Custom Tree Wraps by Black Knight Pest

Rodent Season is here as some of you may already know and Black Knight has just the thing to help keep the Rats out of your attics and away from your home. In addition to Black Knight's many Pest Control Services, one more has been added to the on going list, Custom Tree Wraps for your home. The Trees Wraps can be a necessary component in Rodent Control.

What are Tree Wraps?

Black Knight's Custom Tree Wraps are made from an Aluminum Sheet, that will not rust and does not effect the natural growth of the tree itself.  

What do they do?

The Aluminum Tree Wrap is placed 5 feet up the trunk of the tree, the placement of the wrap on the tree will prevent a Rodent from climbing up to the branches and making its way onto the roof of the home. Many do not realize that one of the main ways Rodents get into your home is through your roof and then getting into the Attic.

Next time instead of just looking down for the little critter you may want to look UP!

Black Knight's Custom Tree Wraps on a Customers Home.

Black Knight's Custom Tree Wraps on a Customers Home.