Wasp Nest Removal — Pest and Termite Control Blog | Black Knight Pest Control

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Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee, Lake Elsinore, Hemet, Riverside, Fallbrook, Escondido, San Marcos, riverside county and san diego county



Black Knight Termite and Pest Control owners have been residing in and serving the Temecula and Murrieta area for over 20 years.  Their goal is to provide customers with the best quality service through their expertise and professionalism.  They are committed to providing on-time service, competitive rates and thorough inspection

Pest & Termite Control Blog

The Peace of Mind of Black Knight Pest & Termite Control.

Filtering by Category: Wasp Nest Removal

Stinging Insects

Megan Pinneo

Bee and wasp control is not only pest control but it is also a safety measure. Stinging insects can be harmful to humans and animals. Black Knight Pest Control offers BEE and WASP CONTROL SERVICE. Call today for a FREE quote. Temecula, Murrieta, Riverside and San Diego Pest Control Service.

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The Differences Between Wasps and Bees

Megan Pinneo

Differences between Bees and Wasps, as well as common misconceptions all in one insect blog. Often mistaken for one another, there are actually a few key differences between the two insects. Find out what makes them different by reading along. If you have a bee or wasp problem call a professional. Bee and Wasp Control and Removal for Temecula Valley, and surrounding areas. Black Knight Bee Control and Hive Removal

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Celebrating 20 Years

Megan Pinneo

20 years sticker.png

     We are so proud to announce that Black Knight Termite & Pest Control, Inc. celebrated our very own 20th anniversary last month! We have come a long ways since we first started, particularly growing our small family owned business to a slightly bigger family owned business! 

     Black Knight originally started 20 years ago with only 2 trucks and 2 employees. Since then, we have been so blessed by our community making it possible to expand our family to having 15 trucks and 18 employees! *gasp* We have broadened our areas of expertise significantly as well. We now offer a wide variety of pest services in addition to termite and general pest control, such as gopher control, rodent control, bird control as well as thermal heat treatment!

     Earlier this year, we also acquired a new pest control route taking Black Knight to Redlands, Riverside and Menifee for accounts ranging from commercial to residential. We have seen our greatest improvement in the amount of active pest control routes that we are continuously adding to. Overall, in our 20 years of business, Black Knight has had the pleasure of serving the Riverside, San Diego as well as San Bernardino counties respectfully. 

     We are very proud of where we come from and are looking forward to thriving in the New Year. In light of our 20 year anniversary, all of our trucks are fashioning the new decal posted above. Thanks for all your love and support as we continue doing what we love. Wishing you all a prosperous year



Black Knight goes above and beyond

Megan Pinneo

Bees in the chimney

That constant buzz, you hear it but where is it coming from? Low and behold, it is coming from your chimney, an entire colony of bees! Looks like its time to call Black Knight Pest Control, all the while thinking this cant possibly be an easy task to get the bees out of there.

At Black Knight we come across situations that are not "ideal" but we get the job done no matter the measure that we must take, such as this situation with the colony of bees in the chimney. As most are aware the bee population is depleting and at Black Knight are proud to announce that we have hired a bee keeper to be able to relocate the bees we must remove from the properties of our customers. While this is great news this was not an option in this case of the bees located in the chimney. Instead we had to exhaust our other options, so we suited up, rented a scissor lift and exterminated the bees as we had no option of relocating them. We were able to get the job done with out a hitch and leave another customer satisfied.

At Black Knight Pest Control there is rarely a job too big or too small. We will always find a way! Take a look at these pictures taken by Jim Pinneo the Owner here at Black Knight Pest Control helping out and suiting up for this big job.

Bee Control
Black Knight Bee Control
Bee Control
Bee Control
Bee Control
Bee Control

Call for a bee quote today! Bee extermination and exclusion starting at $225.00 for one area which come with a 30 day guarantee for the SAME AREA ONLY.

Mud Wasps

Megan Pinneo

I know you have seen their unmistakable Mud Nests in passing, they are hard not to take a second look at.

Mud Wasps aka Mud Daubers are a type of Wasp that makes their nests with mud.  There are several species, two of which are  Organ-pipe Wasps and Potter Wasps. 

Organ-Pipe Wasp

Organ-Pipe Wasp

Organ-Pipe Wasp Nest

Organ-Pipe Wasp Nest

Organ-Pipe Wasps are black in color, and mold their nests to look like a series of tubes similar to the pipes on an organ.

Potter Wasp with its Mud Nest.

Potter Wasp with its Mud Nest.

Potter Wasps are usually black and yellow in color and other times have white, orange or red markings.  The nests of the Potter Wasps resemble miniature pottery as shown in the picture above.

While Mud Daubers are not known to sting and can actually be Beneficial to us in helping reduce the number of Pest Insects and Spiders you do not want to disturb their nests.  Instead of taking the task on yourself and knocking down the Mud Nest they have worked hard to create call a Professional in Pest Control, I'm sure they would be happy to assist.

Black Knight Pest Control has your Wasp Nest Removal Services.