Earwigs — Pest and Termite Control Blog | Black Knight Pest Control

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Black Knight Termite and Pest Control owners have been residing in and serving the Temecula and Murrieta area for over 20 years.  Their goal is to provide customers with the best quality service through their expertise and professionalism.  They are committed to providing on-time service, competitive rates and thorough inspection

Pest & Termite Control Blog

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Filtering by Tag: Earwigs

Monthly Pest Control Service

Megan Pinneo

Four options in pest control service depending on your pest prevention needs. All plans are backed with a FULL GUARANTEE. Interior also treated when needed. Eco-friendly option in pest control available. Choose which plan is right for you. Monthly, Bi-monthly, quarterly, and eco-friendly. Temecula Valley Pest Control service all throughout Riverside and San Diego County.

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Pincher Bug Problem

Megan Pinneo

Changes in the weather is a large part of why you might be seeing more pincher bug activity. Pincher bugs are usually harmless insects, but can be a bother to us humans.Elimination of water build up, and keeping your yard clear of leaves and rotting vegetation is key in keeping ear wigs at bay. If you a find that you are struggling with a pincher bug infestation call Black Knight Pest Control for immediate Pest Control Services from one of our highly trained professionals.

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Earwigs aka "Pincer Bugs"

Megan Pinneo

Latin Name - Order Dermaptera

Let's start off with some Facts you may not know about those Pesky Picners Bugs.

  • Pincers are often called "forceps" and are used for defense, they rarely bite humans.
  • Light attracts Earwigs, and can become a nuisance on your porch.
  • Males tend to have larger more developed Pincers.
  • These pests eat plants and insects.
  • Weather changes can cause Earwigs to move inside your home.
  • Earwigs are mostly found in your home where there is water but overall can be found in any room and any part of your home for that matter.
  • Earwigs often enter homes through gaps in the foundations and poorly sealed windows.

While Professional Pest Control Service will dramatically help with an infestation of Earwigs there are several things that can be done in and around your home to help keep them away for good.

  • Shining a light into your yard off of your home can help direct Earwigs away.
  • Eliminating their hiding spots in and around your home will help in riding your home of them.
  • Sealing any and all open spaces in your home will help keep them out.
  • Keep your garage clear of damp or wet boxes, these pests can often be found hiding in them.
  • Check outside plants before bringing them in for watering.
  • Reduce moisture in and around your home.
  • Remove any decaying vegetation you may have in your yard.


At Black Knight we are always available to help answer any further questions you may have regarding Earwigs or any pest that may be "bugging" you.