Pincher Bug- Ear Wig Problem | Black Knight Pest Control

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Black Knight Termite and Pest Control owners have been residing in and serving the Temecula and Murrieta area for over 20 years.  Their goal is to provide customers with the best quality service through their expertise and professionalism.  They are committed to providing on-time service, competitive rates and thorough inspection

Pincher Bug Problem

Pest & Termite Control Blog

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Pincher Bug Problem

Megan Pinneo

All About Pincher Bugs

Have you been seeing more flatten shaped bodied insects with forceps coming off their bodies lately? Earwigs, aka pincher bugs got their name from ancient beliefs that earwigs crawled into humans ears burrowing into their brains!

While earwigs can crawl into a persons ear, especially while sleeping, it is extremely rare. Chances are this will never happen to you or any one you know for that matter.

Pest Control Companies have definitely been getting a fair share of calls on pincher bugs, so you are not alone.

From Temecula, to Moreno Valley, down to Pala, Black Knight Pest Control has been receiving calls left and right!

Why Am I Seeing So Many Pincher Bugs?

Chances are the changes in the weather is what is driving pincher bugs into your home or apartment. They prefer the outdoors, it is unlikely that you will find too many inside your home, but it still does happen. Earwigs are attracted to light like most insects, and are looking for shelter from the outdoor changes in weather. During the dry season they are looking for more cool temperatures favoring humid, damp weather. Earwigs are most active during the night and that is when they search for food and moisture. You may commonly find pincher bugs nesting under patio furniture left out over night. Doing a “once over” before guests arrive may help avoid an unwanted surprise by an earwig. Pincher bugs are not social insects so it is rare that you will encounter an earwig infestation of large quantity.

Having a lush garden may contribute to your pincher bug infestation. Earwigs feed on many different materials such as, organic material, other insects, and vegetables. They can be a but of nuisance, but also can be beneficial in that they do feed on other insects that may be posing more of a threat to your garden. A presents of high moisture levels around the foundation of you home are favored by pincher bugs. Ever go out after a rain and move around some rock or bricks and find them scurrying out? This is common hiding behavior for pincher bugs. Lovers of high moisture levels and darkness, under leave piles are often also where you can find earwigs hiding out. Pincher bugs nests are short tunnels in the soil, usually next to a rock or other type of object. Even though they do favor the moisture they can adapt quickly to hotter dryer temperatures.

How to get rid of Pincher Bugs?

  • Keep things dry. Pincher bugs favor high moisture, pick up wet towels indoors, repair leaky pipes.

  • Check A/C units for water leakage around unit.

  • Check window seal for any gaps. Also inspect screens on windows and doors for tears. (Pincher bugs tend to hid in the tracks of windows.)

  • Rake leaves and dispose of piles.

  • Check gutters and downspouts are clear and properly draining away from the house to prevent moisture build up.

  • Clear out unnecessary wood piles around the home.

  • Use a dehumidifier in the basement if necessary.

  • Call a Pest Control Professional!


Pincher bugs are usually harmless insects, but can be a bother to us humans. As the weather starts to dry out pincher bugs may try to seek out cooler more humid temperatures indoors. Elimination of water build up, and keeping your yard clear of leaves and rotting vegetation is key in keeping ear wigs at bay. If you a find that you are struggling with a pincher bug infestation call Black Knight Pest Control for immediate Pest Control Services from one of our highly trained professionals.

Cities Served

Riverside and San Diego Cities include but are not limited to- Temecula Valley, Murrieta, Menifee, Lake Elsinore, Hemet, San Bernardino, Fallbrook, San Marcos, Vista, Escondido, and more.

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