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Black Knight Termite and Pest Control owners have been residing in and serving the Temecula and Murrieta area for over 20 years.  Their goal is to provide customers with the best quality service through their expertise and professionalism.  They are committed to providing on-time service, competitive rates and thorough inspection

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Earwigs aka "Pincer Bugs"

Megan Pinneo

Latin Name - Order Dermaptera

Let's start off with some Facts you may not know about those Pesky Picners Bugs.

  • Pincers are often called "forceps" and are used for defense, they rarely bite humans.
  • Light attracts Earwigs, and can become a nuisance on your porch.
  • Males tend to have larger more developed Pincers.
  • These pests eat plants and insects.
  • Weather changes can cause Earwigs to move inside your home.
  • Earwigs are mostly found in your home where there is water but overall can be found in any room and any part of your home for that matter.
  • Earwigs often enter homes through gaps in the foundations and poorly sealed windows.

While Professional Pest Control Service will dramatically help with an infestation of Earwigs there are several things that can be done in and around your home to help keep them away for good.

  • Shining a light into your yard off of your home can help direct Earwigs away.
  • Eliminating their hiding spots in and around your home will help in riding your home of them.
  • Sealing any and all open spaces in your home will help keep them out.
  • Keep your garage clear of damp or wet boxes, these pests can often be found hiding in them.
  • Check outside plants before bringing them in for watering.
  • Reduce moisture in and around your home.
  • Remove any decaying vegetation you may have in your yard.


At Black Knight we are always available to help answer any further questions you may have regarding Earwigs or any pest that may be "bugging" you.   

How to Stay Pest-Free This Winter Season

Megan Pinneo

No one is immune to needing pest control. Murrieta homeowners and business-owners from all walks of life may find themselves in need of this service from time to time when rodents, insects and other pests find a way to get into their residence or property. As winter approaches, there is no denying that pests have more incentive to get inside and escape the increasingly cold temperatures and harsh weather conditions outdoors. In fact, a recent study showed that as many as 21 million American homes are invaded by rodents each year and once you factor in the statistics for spider control and termite control, Murrieta homeowners can see the risk is clear. We are here to help when pests are already in your home or place of business, but we also want to help share some simple tips to make this a less likely possibility. 

Here are a few simple steps you can follow to help avoid those pesky pests as the weather gets more frightful this season:

  • Anything that might attract pests, especially food, should be stored in sealed plastic containers rather than cardboard boxes.

  • Clean up all the dishes right after meals are over and pay extra attention to the cleanliness of countertops where food is chopped, as even the smallest crumbs can attract insects who can feed a whole colony from your unnoticeable scraps.  

  • Make sure your garbage cans are sealed well at all times and take out the trash as soon as it’s full. Also keep trash cans and chopped firewood away from the building so as not to invite unwanted guests in.

  • If you have a chimney, make sure it’s sealed with a screen. Do the same for all openings, such as vents, to prevent the need for rodent control. Murrieta homes with uncovered chimneys and vents are like beacons for rodents trying to get in from the cold.

  • Make sure all holes and cracks are sealed, and windows and basement foundations are sealed as tightly as possible, so pests ranging from spiders to termites to mice can’t get inside your home or place of business from the outside.

  • Keep your home dry and less appealing to pests by installing diverts or gutters around your roof and home.

  • Stay on the lookout for scurrying sounds, rodent feces, and gnaw marks in your home’s insulation and wiring. These are sure signs that rodents are inside and you need professional assistance.

  • Also stay on the lookout for signs of insect infestations such as termite droppings, ant trails, hopping fleas and eggs in webs that signal the need for bug and spider control. Murrieta residents should contact the professionals as soon as these telltale signs materialize.

If you find any of the signs mentioned in the last two steps, make sure to call us right away and don’t try to handle the problem with store-bought remedies. We’ll make sure the pests are gone for good without compromising the health and safety of your home and everyone indoors.


Indoor & Outdoor Spider Control Tips for Temecula

Black Knight Pest

When an arachnid infestation is out of control, particularly where spiders with potentially fatal venom are concerned, the onlyspider-control-Temecula-Valley answer is professional spider control. Temecula residents should not put their lives and their families’ lives at risk in such risk, and Black Knight Termite & Pest Control is here to help. But what if you are merely sharing your home with a few harmless spiders? A few spiders here and there may not warrant professional Temecula spider control services just yet, but there are plenty of things you can do to make your home feel much less creepy and crawly.

Spiders outside Your Home

If you have spotted spiders on or around the exterior of your home, or in the front or back yard, the first thing you should know is that they are likely inside your home as well. Spiders can easily get in underneath doorways and through the tiniest of cracks that you didn’t even realize were there. When it gets cold outside, spiders and other critters will find a way to get inside that nice, big, warm house in front of them. Warm weather also inspires arachnid visitors looking for a bit of cool shade. If you want to keep those spiders out, here are a few things you can do outside your home:

  • Place eucalyptus sprigs around the perimeter of your home. The strong smell will deter those creepy crawlers from wanting to go any further in search of a comfortable home.
  • Spray bushes, flowers and other plants with homemade repellant. All you need is a bunch of table salt dissolved in water; simply spray the solution on all plants around your home every week to keep spiders away.
  • Avoid using your porch light as much as possible. Since lights attract moths and other bugs, and spiders like to eat those bugs, your light will inadvertently attract spiders along with other pests.

Spiders inside Your Home

There are also a few things you can do inside your home to get rid of spiders, and keep new spiders from coming in. A simple, herbal solution of cinnamon, citronella, citrus, lavender, and peppermint or tea tree oil will exterminate spiders on contact. You can also keep spiders out by getting rid of all crevices and nooks. Assuming you only have a few spiders in your home, these solutions should suffice.

Of course, there’s always a chance that there are more spiders than you think – especially if a female spider has laid eggs in your home. For a serious infestation like this you’ll need more than a homemade spider deterrent. Temecula residents can always call on Black Knight Termite & Pest Control in this frightening situation, to get rid of those creepy crawlers fast and for good.

How to Tell the Difference Between Ant and Termite Infestations

Black Knight Pest

Of all the mysteries in the world of pest control, Murrieta residents often find themselves in the quandary of wondering whether Ants Control Murrieta the infestation of insects in their home is that of ants or of the dreaded termite. Of course, ants are by no means a welcome addition in the home, and an infestation can cause great stress and be a pain to get rid of. A termite infestation can cause dangerous long-term damage to the foundation of the home, though, and that foundation is what keeps the entire structure standing and in one piece. If you’re not sure whether you have ants or termites, keep reading to understand the difference and what you can do to alleviate either of these unwanted situations.

How to Tell If You Ants or Termites

Although ants and termites typically have very different appearances, there are certain flying ants that do look very similar to certain termites. The difference should be clear on further inspection, though, as ants will have a segmented body that gives the appearance of a pinched waste, while termite bodies are the same width throughout. Ants also have bent antennas, as opposed to the straight antennas of a termite. The best way to be sure of the difference, however, is to invest in a professional termite inspection.

What to Do If You Have Ants

The first step to quelling an ant infestation is to follow the trail of ants and find the nest they’re coming from. If they’re inside, wait until nighttime when they’re most active and then inspect the carpets, doors, windows, baseboards, and any damaged wood. Outside you may follow the trail around foundational walls of the home and into surrounding mulch and vegetation. Ants like to hide underneath things, so don’t leave any stone unturned. Once you’ve found the source, you can try the leading over-the-counter chemical products designed specifically for ants control. Murrieta homeowners with significant ant problems may find that store-bought solutions are insufficient, though, and will need to invest in professional pest control services.

What to Do If You Have Termites

Termite Control MurrietaUnfortunately there are no easy DIY solutions for termite control. Murrieta homeowners who suspect a termite infestation should call in the professionals immediately, and if the inspector determines that termites have in fact entered the home, begin treatment shortly after. There is a range of options for both Drywood and Subterranean termites, including service contracts with yearly inspections. By tackling the problem immediately, and with yearly inspections, you can avoid the worst possible outcomes that come with these wood-eating pests.

Whether it’s ants or termites, an infestation of pests is never a good thing. In either case, it’s good to know there are professional solutions to get rid of those pesky insects fast.

Termite Control Tips for Murrieta Summers

Black Knight Pest


In summertime, most homeowners are probably more concerned about backyard barbeques and vacations than pest control. Murrieta residents may find their leisure plans cut short, however, if they discover an infestation of termites. So, while you’re thinking about what to do with the kids now that they’re out of school and how to stay cool during the hot days, you may also want to think about how well your home is safeguarded from things like termites, ants, and other pests that often thrive in warm weather.Termite Contol Murrieta, California Are Termites More Common During the Summer Months?

Of course, no one wants to deal with termites during any time of year, but if you knew that they could be more common in the summer would you do anything different? Considering that termite infestations cause $5 billion in damage each year, it’s clearly better to deal with the problem as soon as possible with professional termite control. Murrieta homeowners should know that a certain species of termites – subterranean termites – can be more common in the summertime. So, if you’re wondering whether termites are more common during the summer months, be warned. Subterranean termites are known to swarm on warm summer days and if you see them you need professional help right away.

Tips for Spotting Subterranean Termites in the Summer

How do you spot subterranean termites? Since they form colonies complete with mud tunnels for transportation in the damp soil underground, they can be hard to spot at first. But they won’t stay underground forever. Eventually they are going to find the wood source they’re looking for, and if it happens to be the foundation of your home they will keep eating from the inside out until it’s gone. Here are a few tips to make sure that doesn’t happen:

  • The best way to spot termite damage before it erodes your home from the inside out is to check for little slits in the outside of the wood foundations of your home. Termites need entrances and exits for their wood tunnels, and this is a sure sign of their presence.
  • You may find these slits in the foundation or frame of your home, as well as in your wooden furniture and hardwood floors.
  • If the surface of a piece of wood seems smooth, make sure to knock and see if it sounds hollow or solid. If it’s hollow, there are probably termites feasting inside.

The summertime is a perfect time to relax, but it’s still important to think about things like termite and ant control. Murrieta homeowners must consider the possibilities of a pest infestation during the spring and summer, since many species are more active when it’s hot outside. Should you find signs of an infestation, take care of it right away. Call Black Knight Termite & Pest Control to resolve the problem and resume your summer ASAP.