Damage Caused by Termites
Megan Pinneo
Termite Damage Exposed
As we closed out Termite Awareness Week and have termites fresh in our mind, let’s keep the termite knowledge going!
Don’t be fooled by what looks to be water damage, it could actually be termite damage, or worse, BOTH. Water, and termite damage most often go hand in hand. Knowing the signs of termite damage could save you from serious termite expenses in home repairs.
Outward Signs of Termite Damage
Buckling Wood
Swollen Ceilings and Floors
What looks to be water damage.
Mildew Sent
Visible Mazes in the walls.
Time and time again the damage caused by termites is underestimated, therefor when termite evidence is noticed it simply gets “swept under the rug.” BIG mistake.
Termite Damage Repairs
When an home or business owner has a termite problem, most often there are termite repairs that also need to be completed. .
Wondering if you termite damage can be fixed?
Maybe you have extensive termite damage, or more of minor cosmetic damage. Hopefully your home is not destroyed from the inside out by the time you notice you have a termite problem. Scheduling regular Termite Inspections with the professionals at Black Knight Termite is always a good way to help prevent against termite and the damage caused by them.
Termite damage CAN be repaired depending on the extent of the damage.
Black Knight Termite provides termite repairs to all Temecula customers and beyond.
There are times when the wood that has been infested by termites can be replaced entirely. There can also be the option of bolstering the damaged with extra support. All this depends on the extent of the termite damage. A licensed termite inspector can asses the damage and termite problem and provide an educated recommendation. If dealing with the termite damage and repairs seems like a lot of work you’re not mistaken. Which is why Temecula’s Black Knight Termite Control has a fully staffed termite repair crew.
Termites are not just a problem for homeowners they can destroy businesses, apartment complexes, and hotels all the same. Black Knight Termite Control effectively eliminates termites that become a problem to any structure.
Black Knight Termite Repair Crew repairs termite damage to better than before to most any structure.