Pests in November
Megan Pinneo
Rodents, and bed bugs are among the list of common November pests. Black Knight Pest Control treats all November pests. Guaranteed Pest Control. Temecula, Riverside, and San Diego’s Pest Control.
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Black Knight Termite and Pest Control owners have been residing in and serving the Temecula and Murrieta area for over 20 years. Their goal is to provide customers with the best quality service through their expertise and professionalism. They are committed to providing on-time service, competitive rates and thorough inspection
The Peace of Mind of Black Knight Pest & Termite Control.
Filtering by Tag: Cockroach Control
Rodents, and bed bugs are among the list of common November pests. Black Knight Pest Control treats all November pests. Guaranteed Pest Control. Temecula, Riverside, and San Diego’s Pest Control.
Read MoreCockroaches are hazardous to have inside your home or business. Roaches can carry various diseases, along with causing allergies. Once a roach infestation has started it is difficult to get rid of on your own. Black Knight Pest Control provides a Roach Extermination service.
Read MoreDo you feel the weather starting to change? In just a few weeks we will set our clocks to SPRING forward an hour. But what does that mean for the pests to come? Well, let me tell you, the ants are about to come marching.
One of the most dreaded pests has to be rats. Mice and rats are dirty pests that can cause devastating damage to a structure. For business owners a rodent problem can drive away customers. Rodent infestations are difficult to get rid of and a rodent professional is often required. With the diseases that rodents carry it is NOT recommended to take on a rodent infestation on your own. Hire a skilled pest control technician to exterminate a rodent infestation. Black Knight Pest Control offers a Rodent Control Extermination and Attic Clean Outs. Guaranteed rodent control service.
These tiny pests seem to be around all year long depending on where you live, and your lifestyle. As annoying as ants are it is no wonder why they are one of the top service calls received by pest control companies. Black Knight Pest Control has an Ant Control Service to defend against ants. If the ants return so do we.
Never underestimate termites! They can cause thousands of dollars in damages to a structure. Drywood and Subterranean Termites can be exterminated by Temecula’s Termite Control Company, Black Knight Termite. Start with a termite inspection from one of Black Knight’s experienced inspectors. At the first sighting of what look to be termite evidence call in a termite professional. Listed on Black Knight’s website you can find helpful information on termites and what to look for on the blog page.
Definitely, not the kind of fish you want for dinner. Silverfish are quick to run and even more quick to breed. A silverfish problem can escalate in a matter of days. Prevent a silverfish infestation from happening by avoiding use of cardboard boxes for storage, opt for plastic instead. Also, to prevent pest infestations eliminate moisture by checking for leaks. General Pest Control will help prevent against silverfish.
A pest you never want to share the bed with are bed bugs. You can’t get rid of bed bugs by just doing a load of laundry. Getting rid of bed bugs can be a difficult and it’s not recommended that you try to get rid of bed bugs on your own. Bed bug elimination can be done without chemicals. Thermal Heat can kill bed bugs at all stages of life, and all in one day. Sister company Thermal Heat Pest will eliminate any bed bug infestation.
Filthy cockroaches are never welcomed in any home or business. Cockroaches are resilient and are difficult to exterminate with DIY home pest control methods. Before a cockroach infestation gets out of hand call Black Knight Pest Control to schedule a cockroach inspection. Black Knight offers a roach extermination service that is guaranteed to get rid of any roach infestation.
Lastly, in addition to these common March pests don’t be surprised if you catch a number of skunks and raccoons creeping around your property.
The season for pests is upon us with warm weather in our future. If it’s one thing we know in Riverside County, it’s the heat. We will see a wide variety of pests in the next few months, and we are well equipped for all of them. Black Knight Termite and Pest Control has a treatment option for ALL pests.
Rodent Control and Extermination