Spider Control Service | Black Knight Pest Control | Riverside & San Diego

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+1 (951) 694-8100

Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee, Lake Elsinore, Hemet, Riverside, Fallbrook, Escondido, San Marcos, riverside county and san diego county



Black Knight Termite and Pest Control owners have been residing in and serving the Temecula and Murrieta area for over 20 years.  Their goal is to provide customers with the best quality service through their expertise and professionalism.  They are committed to providing on-time service, competitive rates and thorough inspection

Spider Control Service

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Spider Control Service

Megan Pinneo

Spider Defense

Control Against Spiders

Spiders are one of the creepiest insects to have an infestation with in your home. Nothing is worse than to walk through a thick spiderweb in the middle of the night well, maybe a bite from a Brow Recluse or a Black Widow that would define be worse. While most spiders are actually a beneficial linen in the food chain because they pray on other insects, the brown recluse and black widow can be rather dangerous to humans. They produce nasty bite that result in ulcerating sores and severe cramping and pain. While they are rarely fatal, elderly and young children are at high risk for severe reactions from bite. It’s is important to protect your home and family against potentially fatal spiders. Black Knight Pest Control’s Spider Defense service will safe guard your home against spiders with a special four step program.

Black Knight’s 4 Step Plan for Spider Control

  1. A highly trained pest control professional will inspect the property to determine where the heaviest infestation is on the property.

  2. Next, your technician will wipe down all wedding around the exterior of the house and garage.

  3. Then a chemical will be determined for best results with the particular spider problem on the the property.

  4. Lastly, included in your at home visit, Black Knight will also control other insects that are invading your home!

Brown Recluse Spider

The brow recluse spider has the presents of a dark violin-shaped mark on its light brown, and yellow colored body. Identifying a brown recluse spider can be difficult, as they do not fully develop their distinctive characteristics until later in adulthood. Brown recluse spiders tend to stay in secluded dark and undisturbed locations, such as, dark corners of cabinets, garages and sheds. When bringing in storage containers from garages or sheds it is important that you check the items before bringing them into your home. An infestation from a brown recluse can happen quickly, laying up to five egg sacs with as many as fifty in each sac. Like most insects a brown recluse will not bite a human unless provoked, or if they are accidentally rolled onto in the night or stepped on. Nausea, lesions, and a fever all all common side effects in result of a bite from the brown widow. The brown recluse being hard to identify and with the capability to cause troublesome pain it is important that you contact a professional pest control technician when dealing with this spider.

Black Widow Spider

The often easily identified black widow spider can be a frightening discovery, with its black body and bright red hourglass shape under its abdomen. However, young black widow spiders are mostly white and orange and only gain their black color when they mature In this way they are similar to the brown recluse, making it harder for a human to identify when they are they are in their youth. Belief is that the female black widow spider eats the male after mating, and that is where the name “black widow” comes from. A black widow’s venom is said to be 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake’s and can cause, difficulty breathing, muscle aches and nausea. Fatalities are rare from a black widow but they should be considered highly dangerous, especially in elderly and young children. Summer is here and so are the black widows, since they are more active when temperatures reach 70 degrees and above. Outdoors you will find black widows more frequently on ground level, as they favor dark, dry locations, under stones, decks, and hollowed out tree stumps. Habitats preferred by the black window are structures such as barns, and sheds, meter boxes, and wood piles. Indoors black widows often spin their webs in crawl spaces, garages, and basements. Any time you are dealing with a black widow infestation it is always best to call a professional in Spider Control.

Beware of spiders when you are reaching into, or entering a dim lit area.

Spider in web

Signs of a Spider Infestation

What to look for when it comes to a spider infestation.

  • Spider webs

  • Silken sacs -eggs

  • Black widow webs are mostly at ground level and appear to look “messy.”

  • Brown recluse spiders often create their webs in boxes.

Biggest TIP in spider control besides contacting a pest control professional is to keep a clean and tidy house. The less clutter the better! Frequently sweep and clear out garages and sheds. Keep things well lit so that you can see if a spider has taken residence.

Black Knight Pest Control provides a Spider Control Service to new and existing customers.

Service for the Temecula Valley, Murrieta, Menifee, Lake Elsinore, Hemet, San Bernardino, Riverside, Fallbrook, San Marcos, Vista, Escondido, and more.

For more information call the office 951.694.8100