Meet the Crew with Jeff
Megan Pinneo
Interview with Black Knight’s Lead Termite Inspector Jeff
September’s Meet the Crew is with long time Termite Inspector Jeff -
One of the originals at Black Knight Termite Control
This is one interview that I have been waiting for. Get the one on one, with established
Termite Inspector
Jeff Gavitt.
Jeff has been with Temecula’s Black Knight Termite Control for over 13 years.
Join me and read along as I asked Jeff some questions about his time with Black Knight along with some things about his life outside of termites.
To start, I asked how he got his start with Black Knight Termite Control.
I’ve been friends with Jim since 1988 and he offered me a job in 2008 when my previous company closed. He trained me to become an inspector for Black Knight’s termite division which I’ve been doing since I started.
Being with Black Knight Termite Control throughout the years there had to be something that has been keeping you here all these years. What would you say is your favorite part of the job?
Jeff answered with,
My favorite part of my job is quitting time! (Kidding)
I really like traveling all over SoCal and meeting our customers.
Meeting, and getting to know new customers is something Jeff is known for throughout the Murrieta community. You can find Jeff with a smile on his face, and a clipboard in hand getting to know people all over Riverside, and San Diego County.
Dealing with as many people as you do, along with all their pest problems, what is the “craziest” encounter you have ever had while on the job?
Jeff had this to say,
The craziest thing that has happened was when I fell from the attic through the kitchen ceiling at a home that I was inspecting and landed on the floor. I broke my thumb but still finished the inspection! We had to repair the ceiling of course.
Just goes to show that the Black Knight Crew always gets the job done, no matter what!
Knowing all the growth the family owned Temecula Valley company has had I was curious to see how have you seen Black Knight progress in recent years?
Over the thirteen years Jeff said,
Black Knight has grown from 8 employees in 2008 to over 20 today and has greatly expanded its pest control division and added a thermal heat treatment service to eradicate termites and other pests without the use of chemicals.
Jeff is a husband, father, and now grandfather, I asked what this family man enjoyed most when he is not on the job.
When I’m away from work I enjoy discovering new places with my wife Terry and spending time with our daughters Lisa and Katie and our new grandson Zayden.
Jeff and his wife Terry doing what they do best, exploring!
To close my one on one with Jeff, I wanted to if there was a goal he had in mind for both work, and personal life.
This year I’d like to continue helping our customers maintain, sell or buy their homes. In addition i’d like work on getting my operators license in pest control.
I would also like to see more of our country, and the world as soon as this crappy pandemic is over.
Jeff’s grandson Zayden! Adorable!
Now, that I have had some time with Jeff, and got to know him a little better I look forward to getting to know more of the Black Knight Pest Control Team. Till next month friends, stay pest FREE, and don’t go falling through any roofs!