How important is Termite Prevention?

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+1 (951) 694-8100

Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee, Lake Elsinore, Hemet, Riverside, Fallbrook, Escondido, San Marcos, riverside county and san diego county



Black Knight Termite and Pest Control owners have been residing in and serving the Temecula and Murrieta area for over 20 years.  Their goal is to provide customers with the best quality service through their expertise and professionalism.  They are committed to providing on-time service, competitive rates and thorough inspection

How important is Termite Prevention?

Pest & Termite Control Blog

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How important is Termite Prevention?

Megan Pinneo

Termite Talk

Termite Control and Termite Treatment is ESSENTIAL in keeping the integrity of a structure. Home or business, Termite Prevention is necessary. Taking steps such as, termite inspections, treatment and control will save you thousands. Early termite detection is key in avoiding costly termite damage.

Termites are simply not worth ignoring.

Termites chew away at structural wood leading to damage in just about any part of home.

Wondering what attracted termites to your home in the first place?

For Subterranean Termites dampwood is usually the culprit since subterranean termites need moister to survive. This is most often caused by leaky pipes, and improper drainage. As for Drywood Termites, well they are attracted to just about any structure that has wood.

Tip: Termites are HIGHLY ATTRACTED TO LIGHT. Keep the curtains closed in the evening, and replace white lights with insect replant bulbs.

So now that you know that you do not want termites near your home, what can you do to prevent them?

Termite Prevention Checklist:

  • Discard any unused wood that is laying around the property. Keep firewood at least 12 feet away from your home.

  • Keep things dry. Repair any leaks, divert rainwater away from your home. Be sure that your attic or basement is well ventilated.

  • Seal any cracks in the structure.

  • Call a professional is you notice any termite evidence.

  • Get yourself a Termite Contract if you are in an area that is known for termite problems. Termite Contracts include annual inspections and termite treatment.

Termites even though they are tiny they have mighty scissor like jaws that will tear through a structure if given the chance. Stay on top of your termite prevention practices. When you are in doubt, call on your local Termite Professionals at Black Knight Termite. With over 20 years of Termite and Pest experience you know that you are taken care of.