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Black Knight Termite and Pest Control owners have been residing in and serving the Temecula and Murrieta area for over 20 years.  Their goal is to provide customers with the best quality service through their expertise and professionalism.  They are committed to providing on-time service, competitive rates and thorough inspection

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New Soy-Based Wiring Attracting Rats

Megan Pinneo

Rat caught in the act of chewing through wires in an engine compartment. (AP Photo:

Rat caught in the act of chewing through wires in an engine compartment. (AP Photo:

     Early February, Forbes Magazine published an article stating that several car companies are experiencing problems with using soy-based wiring in newer cars. This has effected automobile brands such as Honda, Volvo, Mazda and Toyota.
    While older cars are often swapped out for newer vehicles that offer better fuel efficiency and meet the emission standards required by state, many are realizing that older cars are not being effected by the rats. 
    "Some newer model cars use materials like soy that are more biodegradable than plastics. It’s all part of an effort to make car parts more environmentally-friendly" (Dunne, 2017). While intentions are good,  dealerships are finding that the environmentally friendly wiring is attracting rodents in both rural and suburban communities, causing more harm than good. 
     Have you purchased a new car recently? It wouldn't hurt to take it into the nearest dealership and inquire if the new soy-based wires are covered by the warranty. You will thank us later!



Dunne, M.J. (2017, February 19). Rats! New Cars' Soy-Coated Wires Give Rodents Plenty to Chew On. Forbes Magazine. Retrieved from

WFTV.Com. (2016, December 20). Florida woman sues Toyota for rodent chewed wires. Fox25 WFXT. Retrieved from



6 Insects That Help Your Garden Grow

Megan Pinneo

Believe is or not there are several types of insects that actually help your garden flourish. Here are a few that you may not want to scare away next time you see them.

Praying Mantis

The Praying Mantis kills and eats other insects which creates a growth control over the predatory insects.

Ground Beetle

Ground Beetles feed on harmful insects such as maggots and flies. Having the Ground Beetle around will help your vegetables grow.

Syrphid Flies

Syrphid Flies, also known as hover flies help in the pollination of plants.


Wasps increase the soil aeration and filtration in your garden.

 Bumble Bee

Bumble Bees kill active and harmful insects which help the continuous growth of plants.

Lady Bugs

The beautiful Lady Bug eat mites, mealy bugs and their larvae, which are harmful to plants.

It's always a good time to call Black Knight Pest Control with all your Pest Control and Termite needs but when you see these insects in your garden you may want to give it a second thought, they are actually helping your garden grow.

There are times when it is hard to tell each insect from another and for those times give Black Knight Pest Control we can always help you.

Carlsbad, Ca Field Of Flowers

Carlsbad, Ca Field Of Flowers

Think of all the helpful insects that help this beautiful field of flowers grow in Carlsbad, California.