Bugs in a Christmas Tree | Black Knight Pest Control Blog

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Bugs in a Christmas Tree

Megan Pinneo

Christmas Tree Critters

When picking out your Christmas Tree check for spider webs, and any existing bugs.

When picking out your Christmas Tree check for spider webs, and any existing bugs.

Fact: There could be up to 25,000 bugs living in one single Christmas Tree!

Fact: Most insects living in a Christmas Tree cannot live outside of it and would soon die off. 

These can be an unsetting facts knowing just how many pests you are willingly bringing into your home. You may want to only spread some holiday cheer, but be left with a major pest collection going on in the corner of the room. 

There are a few types of insects that are commonly found living within the branches of a Christmas Tree while none of them pose a danger they are bit unnerving to know that they are there.

Some pests you may not even know are lurking within the tree. However, there are others, like the Praying Mantis that will most likely will be brought to your attention at some point. Depending on what type of tree you favor could depict what types of pests you will be welcoming in as well. Spiders and Mites can be found on a White Pine, Fraser Fir, Douglas-fir, and Spruce Trees. Mites, and other pests in tree you may notice will make small colored stains on carpets, walls, and ornaments when squished.

Fact: The Praying Mantis can be found in ANY type of tree. One Mantis egg mass can contain up to 400 eggs!

Centipedes are VERY COMMON in the trees at local Christmas Tree lots in the Temecula, and Murrieta area.

Ever spot any white specs on the needles of a tree? This is called Pine Needle Scale, when hatched you will be left with tiny red bugs. Scotch Pine, Douglas-fir, and Norway Spruce are the usual carriers of Pine Needle Scale. Aphids, are tiny bugs that love living in your Christmas Tree. In short that is just to name a few and hopefully give you a fraction of an idea of just what critters are living on a standard Christmas Tree. With that said there are some pointers in which will help minimize the actual amount of pests brought inside by your tree this year. 

Start from the beginning-

When choosing your tree be sure to examine the tree.

Do you see any visible bugs? Or how about a birds nest? 

  1. Shake a tree out before bringing it inside your home. 

  2. Leave your tree in the garage or shed for a few days. 

  3. Constantly vacuum once the tree is inside. 

You do not have to sacrifice the Christmas Tradition of bringing home a real tree, as long as you make an effort to apply some Pest Control Practices before, and while you have it in your home. Last thing you want is to be left with a house filled with tiny insects even after your Christmas Tree is long gone. Spiders live in dense population within trees and can be found crawling out and making a new home elsewhere in yours. In cases where you are left with a Pest Infestation call a professional before the situation gets worse. Black Knight Pest Control has a variety of services for all your pest control needs. If you want to avoid the risk of pests filling your home all together, a fake tree is not a bad alternative. There are many artificial trees that look just like a real Christmas Tree and can be used year after year. At least you will have the reassurance that if you do choose a real tree you can call on the expert exterminators at Black Knight Termite and Pest Control with any pest related issue.

Call today for more information or to schedule a Pest Inspection 951.694.8100