Black Knight Pest Controls Meet the Crew with Jered

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+1 (951) 694-8100

Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee, Lake Elsinore, Hemet, Riverside, Fallbrook, Escondido, San Marcos, riverside county and san diego county



Black Knight Termite and Pest Control owners have been residing in and serving the Temecula and Murrieta area for over 20 years.  Their goal is to provide customers with the best quality service through their expertise and professionalism.  They are committed to providing on-time service, competitive rates and thorough inspection

Black Knight Pest Controls Meet the Crew with Jered

Pest & Termite Control Blog

The Peace of Mind of Black Knight Pest & Termite Control.

Black Knight Pest Controls Meet the Crew with Jered

Megan Pinneo

Meet the Crew

Jered Edition

For the month of December I have the pleasure of introducing you to

Pest Control Service Technician, Jered.

Proudly Jered has been with Black Knight Pest Control for one year and he has worked in the pest control industry for over six years. I was eager to learn more about him, and his journey in the pest control industry.

I started by asking Jered what he does for Black Knight while he is in the field. 

“I examine properties for any kind of pest activity. I set up bait and traps for rodents, and also treat lawn areas and landscaping for gopher mounds.” 

Next, I asked what brought Jered to Black Knight, wanting to know if there was anything that drew Jered to Black Knight Pest in particular. 

“I saw this company as a step to bigger, and better things. I could gain more experience to learn at Black Knight which in turned means more growth!” 

I then asked Jered what he enjoys most about working for Black Knight Termite and Pest Control.

“Being your own boss on the field is the best! I enjoy having to solve a variety of problems and pest issues daily, which keeps the days exciting.”

A fun question I had this time around was,

- is there anything that gets you excited about Black Knight’s future?

“That’s simple. The growth and potential this company has!”

Naturally I asked what is Jered’s least favorite pest, and I couldn’t agree more.

“My least favorite pest would be bedbugs! They not only bite, but they also live in your bed, furniture, and other areas of your home. Not to mention they are almost impossible to rid of without a professional treatment!”

It’s a good thing that Black Knight’s sister company, Thermal Heat Pest has safe, eco friendly bed bug treatment, that is guaranteed to eliminate bed bugs!

That lead me to ask what is Jered’s take on the growing Black Knight Team?

“The team here at Black Knight feels like a family. Every one is very respectful, and friendly. It is a great environment to be working in!”

Funny how the word “family” is one I hear frequently when others describe Black Knight Pest Control.

Lastly, I asked what Jered enjoys doing most in his free time?

“On my free time the thing I enjoy most is simple, spending time with my wife, and daughter. I also enjoy going out to nice restaurant. You can even catch me out deep sea fishing when I find the free time.”

Jered is always smiling, and just a joy to be around. Needless to say he is an excellent addition to the Black Knight Team, or should I say “family.” My interview with Jered was a great way to close out the 2021 year.

Join me next month and see who I bring in to start off the new year.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Jered and his beautiful family.